Thanks for being a Lion

Thanks for all you have done over the past month. Thanks for being a Lion and for volunteering your time and talent. Lions do make a difference in their local communities and the world.

Believe it or not, we are already getting ready for next year. Here’s what your governors team is working on. We will be dividing up and scheduling club visits. Vince, Ken or I will be visiting every club in the district, and we hope to get all of them done in the first 90 days. That’s July 1-September 30. We want to get the word out about what we hope to accomplish, what the district can do for you and what you can do for the district and state.

The district directory will have a bit of a new look in the upcoming year. The state committee structure and their district representatives will be rearranged in order to make the directory easier to understand and use. The most difficult part of putting the book together is getting prompt and accurate information about club officers. Please get your election data in on time. Also, please confirm your meeting dates, times and addresses. Finally, if you can, please confirm that your published address is GPS friendly as it is really helpful when we travel to your club.

If you are going to be a club officer in the coming year, we will be holding training for club officers and district representatives. The best place to start is online at Training for Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers and Zone Chairs can all be found under the Member Center tab. District training will consist of a common core for all participants and then specialized training for specific jobs. We will be setting a date and time soon.

Some other dates that have been set include District Awards and Inductions: May 26th, 2012, Lions Humanitarian Services (White Cane) Kickoff: July 14th, 2012, and the Mid-Winter Convention: February 2, 2013.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to meeting our district’s humanitarian needs with you.

Thomas R. Kirby
Cell: 910-212-2066

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